Facebook Groups Are Awesome Resources for School Librarians!

How many of you just don’t bother with Facebook? The social media network has the reputation of too much talking and arguing about anything and everything. It took me awhile to contact on Facebook with friends outside of my family circle. About two years ago, I made the connections with a few teacher colleagues. I did not friend students or former students (unless those former students were currently teachers in my old school district).

For many people, it’s easier to follow a conversation thread on Facebook rather than on Twitter. They are familiar with how Facebook works. They chat with college friends, wish their siblings “happy birthday”, and join their high school alumni groups. Of course, they save recipes from Tasty!

This past year 2017, Facebook has opened new doors for school librarians and educators. It’s an easy transition to use Facebook for professional development and instructional ideas for school librarians. Just save the posts you are interested in by clicking on the three dots at the upper right corner > Click on Save Post. Later go back in your saved posts, and add links to your Google Keep, Pinterest, LiveBinder or other digital curation platform. 

Facebook groups have grown rapidly into the educational world.  You can search for groups by keywords like “school librarian” or ” high school librarian”. 

Facebook School Librarian Groups

Future Ready Librarian

Future Ready Librarians  
Moderated by Future Ready Schools Initiative. Collaboration space for school librarians. Includes all grade levels of school librarians with a membership of over 13,000. One of the most sharing groups on Facebook, even though the posts range from specific Future Ready librarian discussions to how use weeded books for holiday decorations. If you have a question, someone will probably post an answer within minutes.

Click Here to Purchase Book

Moderated by the co-authors of The HyperDoc Handbook. Educators can a public group of over 7,000 members. If you are interested in learning about creating and sharing an interactive Google Doc that supports student learning way beyond the typical worksheet. This forum is the place to ask question, share ideas and resources all centered around HyperDocs. Great Facebook group for school librarians to join in the discussions around blended learning.

Breakout EDU

Moderated by Breakout EDU administrators.  Official Breakout EDU Facebook group of 26,914 members. This forum provides a space to collaborate, brainstorm, and share new Breakout EDU games – both the digital and the lock box games. If you need a place to start learning about Breakout EDU, this group will open those games for you to use in the library and to share with classroom teachers. Click on the Breakout EDU welcome page to start learning more about Breakout EDU games.

Do you have other favorite Facebook groups that school librarians will find a great source for new ideas and resources? Just add your fav’s to the comments below.