Librarians Representing – Professional Development

A busy week at METC in St. Charles pulled together my co-librarian, Rhonda Dobbs, and myself into our Jumpstart Collaboration presentation. 

Jumpstart Collaboration

Jumpstart Collaboration

I was pleased to collaborate in the Library Grand Slam with Kelly Werthmuller, University City middle school librarian, Amy Taylor, and Megan Chambers from Lee Summit West High School on the Kansas City side of the state.

Library Grand Slam_picmonkeyed.png

Library Grand Slam

Finally, on Friday, we librarians, Rhonda and I, presented 3 sessions each at the district’s professional development day. All of this made for really busy week – thank heavens for “snow days” during the week after!

Our local TV station KMOV, Channel 4, visited Northwest High School.  Rhonda is teaching Discovery Education Steaming Plus in the video segment.  Kim Hornkohl, the middle school librarian for the district did a super nice job during her interview. Glen House, social studies teacher, shared his Facebook project we collaborated on a few years ago. Glen’s Infographic projects were the cool presentation I shared at ISTE 2013.  Check out his lessons using and his students’ work.  During the video taping by KMOV, I’m the one just teaching away while the reporter talks! Thankfully, they taped while I was sharing how to use social media as a professional educator. *Of course, the newscast video has disappeared into the ethernet.