Common Core Curator

Common Core Curator from Linda Dougherty

Just a quick thank  you to the Missouri Association of School Librarians for the good times during my afternoon presentation.  There was something about being in the Capital hearing room that made for a fun, relaxed presentation. As promised, here are my slides from the session. Click on images for links to websites.  I went back and added links to almost all the slides.  Also, I added a few more resources for you to check out.  My own district librarians worked through the ideas and added a few of their own to the mix.  We haven’t decided how we are going to create the text sets – probably a mix of real baskets to share down the hallways for ready-made learning centers or virtual documents with links to magazine articles.  If time and winter weather allow, we may get together again to start “bundling” resources for our classroom teachers.  I’m thinking about putting together a Google Document or Spreadsheet to curate informational text sources from magazines, etc.  Let’s hope there is a time in the day to start that idea! Drop me an email if you have any questions.